The Points Don't Mean Anything!
Just to make things interesting, each project completed during the Lenten Sockrafice has a points value, although to be clear, the points are meaningless, just like on Whose Line is it Anyway? It just gives us something to talk about and ooh and ahhh over. Maybe there will be something at the end for the most pointed of us, who knows??
Now to be fair, I had considered a sophisticated algorithm that would consider the duration of the project, level of difficulty and the inverse of the number of stitches, but discarded that idea for something a little simpler.
Projects are worth:
Socks = 20 points each, making a grand total of 40 points for a pair, but since some folks have the dreaded 2nd sock syndrome, we will accrue these points per sock. Double points for any socks accounted for on the 200-Sox KALs.
Scarves = 5 points, unless donated to the Merchant Marines or a Ship project in which they are worth 50 points.
Shawls = 15 points
Hats = 10 points, or 50 points if donated to MM or ship project, 100 if donated to a newborn intensive care unit.
Sweaters = 50 points, and 500 if donated to charity.
And finally in light of the whole penance thing, add 50 points for any project that uses up all the yarn in the stash entirely.
Impulse purchases will wipe out all your points, except those from charity projects, and using up the ENTIRE stash in the next 40 days gets the knitter a bazillion points.
5000 points to anyone knitting only and exclusively for charity. Charity knitting is not really the mainstay of the Lenten Sockrafice, but anyone knitting only for charity needs to get lots of points, since they ain’t getting to wear their handknits!
If I missed any points value, someone let me know, suggestions are VERY welcome.
If they don't mean anything then. . . . what's the point?
9:06 PM
i am planning to make toys for the local hospital. they get given out to the ill kids and the kids of ill parents.
1:19 PM
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